The Cause/Reason


What is the caused?

Sadly to say the cause of animal poaching is humans. Humans for many years have hunted and captured animals for their animal parts. They have caused many animals to be endangered and are still doing it to this day. Even if its illegal that won't stop people from hurting them, because as upsetting as it is some people will do anything to get money. Although some get caught in the act and get punished it still doesn't make what they did go away.  

Why people do this?

In modern days, people like to symbolize their wealth by buying a very expensive item. Since poaching has become a real problem and caused animals to be at a near of extinction, the cost of their animal's parts is very high, because it's now rare. It has become so high that a rhino's horn cost more than gold making them being targeted by so many people. Rhinos have been on earth for millions of years, but now they are struggling to survive when they are being targeted every second of their lives and for that reason, they might not be able to live how they use to.

" When humans act with cruelty we characterize them as "animals'", yet the only animal that dislays cruelty is humanity."... Anthony Douglas Williams

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