Information on Rhino's


Rhinos are a keystone species who play an important role in the ecosystem. Without a keystone species, such as the Rhino, the ecosystem would change dramatically or cease to exist. Rhinos grazing helps maintains Savanna grasslands, which supports other species with their living style. Researches have discovered if Rhinos would disappear from the ecosystem, not many other species would be able to fill its "ecological niche," because where there are more Rhino, there s a greater diversity of plants and animals

Plants and other organisms that are apart of the Rhinos ecosystem 

Rhinos are keystone species which play an important role in the ecosystem. Even though they are needed in other species living style, they do need living organisms to be in theirs. Rhinos depend on many living organisms to survive, they are herbivores so they need grass, leaves, fruits, and branches to digest. They even live in areas where there are trees that have many of their needs. food, in them. Although they are herbivores they do depend on other living species to keep them safe from predators by preying on them instead of the actual rhinos, because the rhinos are too big and they rather catch something easier. For example, even if a lion is a predator of a rhino they will prey on a crocodile, which is also a predator of rhino, before preying on the rhino because it's smaller than it.

"The only way to save a Rhinocerous is to save the environment in which it loves, because there;s a mutual dependncy between it and millions of other species or both animals and plants"...David Attenborough 

Rhinos live in areas of Africa and Asia, but their habitats change from the Savannas to a forest in the tropical and subtropical regions. Rhinos are herbivores, the black rhinos eat leafy plants as well as the branches, fruits, thorny wood bushes, and even shoots. They also have many parasites which are eaten by other living organisms that live with the rhinos. Many young are preyed upon by other species, such as hyenas

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