The impact on the environment


Animal poaching has impacted the environment by killing the animals who live in it. An environment is a condition in which a person, animal, or plant operates, and animal poaching has impacted it by deliberating the species who live in it. Studies indicate that millions of animals are killed by hunters every year, by wanting its items for trophies or to sell. Without its species, there will no be environment because the ones who are being poached play a major role in the ecosystem and without those species the wildlife or any life will get out of hand and cause any living thing to be endangered.

Impact on Rhinos

According to the graph below it shows an increase of rhino poaching throughout the years in South Africa. Luckily there is a decrease in rhino poaching from 2015-2018. Without this decrease, it could have caused a species to go extinct sooner and that would have made a massive change into the ecosystem and its environment. The chart also indicates that thousands of rhinos have lost its life throughout the years and we can't bear to lose more from poachers.

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