Rhino's food chain/web
As you can see, the picture down below represents a food chain of a rhino. Rhinos are herbivores meaning that they only eat plants, such as grass or trees, but they do have predators which are the lions. Lions barley prey on the rhinos because rhinos are really big so the lions go for something easier. The tree is the primary producer, the rhino and the giraffe are the primary consumers, the lion is the secondary consumer, and if adding to the picture a vulture would be the tertiary consumer.

"The most important factor in survival is neither intelligence nor strength but adaptabillity.".. charles darwin

This is a food web for a rhino, as you can see rhinos are connected to many other food chains. Most animals even depend on rhinos to even get food, because they eat the grass which helps other species navigate around the area. The food web represents many herbivores, such as the rhino, giraffe, grasshopper, mouse, and impala. It also shows the carnivores, such as the lion, snakes, fiscal shrike, African skunk, baboon, caracal, and leopard, also the omnivores, such as the vulture.