Current projects

Sadly to say the cause of animal poaching is humans. Humans for many years have hunted and captured animals for their animal parts. They have caused many animals to be endangered and are still doing it to this day. Even if its illegal that won't stop people from hurting them, because as upsetting as it is some people will...

Animal poaching has impacted the environment by killing the animals who live in it. An environment is a condition in which a person, animal, or plant operates, and animal poaching has impacted it by deliberating the species who live in it. Studies indicate that millions of animals are killed by hunters every year, by wanting its items for trophies...

Rhinos are a keystone species who play an important role in the ecosystem. Without a keystone species, such as the Rhino, the ecosystem would change dramatically or cease to exist. Rhinos grazing helps maintains Savanna grasslands, which supports other species with their living style. Researches have discovered if Rhinos would disappear from the...

The Solution


Our plan is to have guards surveillance 24 hours on the rhinos because every second they are targeted by poachers and no poachers would come close to a rhino if there was security. The guards would have permission to capture and imprisoned the poachers and stop them from hurting the rhinos.

As you can see, the picture down below represents a food chain of a rhino. Rhinos are herbivores meaning that they only eat plants, such as grass or trees, but they do have predators which are the lions. Lions barley prey on the rhinos because rhinos are really big so the lions go for something easier. The tree is...

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